The following charts are designed to identify general trends in the adoption of Namespace features. The JSON data located at has been collected daily since December 13, 2022. Special thanks to John Spurlock who helped me acquire the data prior to May 1, 2023.
The Feeds with Value Blocks chart illustrates the rate at which podcasters are adding Value Blocks to their RSS feeds. |
The Feeds with Funding Tag chart illustrates the rate at which podcasters are adding the Funding tag to their RSS feeds. |
The Feeds with Transcripts chart illustrates the rate at which podcasters are enabling their shows with transcripts. |
The Episodes with Transcripts chart illustrates the number of podcast episodes that contain transcripts. The sudden mid-October inflection occurred when @dave fixed a bug that was likely undercounting episodes, if podcasters were adding transcripts to their back catalog. |
The Transcribed Episodes vs Enabled Feeds chart offers a relative feel for how many transcript-enabled podcasts are actually transcribing their episodes. The higher the slope, the larger the use. |
The Feeds with Chapters chart illustrates the number of podcasts that have adopted Chapters. |
The Episodes with Chapters chart illustrates the number of podcast episodes that contain Chapters. The sudden mid-October inflection occurred when @dave reset the index. The cause of the trajectory change is unknown. |
The Chaptered Episodes vs Enabled Feeds chart offers a relative feel for how many chapter-enabled podcasts are actually using chapters in their episodes. The higher the slope, the larger the use. |
The Feeds with Medium Music chart illustrates the number of podcasts that have adopted the Music Medium Tag. Notes: 1) The big inflection point in mid-June 2023 was the result of @mikeneumann adding a bunch of Wavlake feeds to the Index manually. 2) The drop at the end of June 2023 is the result of Wavlake switching their URL scheme, requiring @dave to clean up the old URL versions. 3) The uptick at the beginning of August 2023 is likely a result of the first episode of Boostagram Ball.4) The uptick in late December 2023 is due to Wavlake starting to use the Podcast Index API and thus submitting directly to the index. This may have created duplicates, so there may be another correction coming as things settle out. |
The Feeds with Medium Video chart illustrates the number of podcasts that have adopted the Video Medium Tag. The August 2023 inflection point is the result of @cisene adding PeerTube instances manually. |