About Griddlecakes Radio®

The Griddlecakes Radio ® podcast was created in August of 2005. At the time, there were many different “tech” podcasts, but Ron Ploof wanted to create something different. Since he always had a passion for audio and a love for old time radio, he decided to create a storytelling podcast. In the early years, the shows varied, from satire, to sketches, with a few personal stories interwoven into the schedule. Over time, the show became more personal stories and less of the sketch variety.
While the frequency of his shows dropped off for about ten years, the podcast was still very much alive. In 2021, Ron started picking up the pace, and looks forward to producing many more shows from the a list of stories to tell.
What Griddlecakes Radio® Listeners Are Saying
The ingredient that sets it (Griddlecakes Radio) apart in my view is heart. Your show has a lot o heart, in addition to being clever, funny, well-written, etc. — Julie
I have been listening to Griddlecakes for years and it is, by far, my number one favorite podcast ever. Even though there are many great productions out there in the podcasting world, nothing has ever come close to the engaging simplicity of your storytelling. — Marianna (Italy)
What a fantastic storyteller you are. The right amount of detail. A clear focus. And the emotion snuck up on me. — Preston (Anaheim, CA)
Whether you were raised listening to a radio or not, the great stories told in Griddlecakes is a throwback to a time when people of our country hung on every word that a radio broadcast sent out. — Ron Hill
Most podcasts nowadays are just people ranting about any given topic. I enjoy the family-friendly atmosphere of griddlecakes. — Jon
You have a gift for telling stories that are entertaining and thought-provoking on many levels, for children and adults alike. Our family have become devoted ‘griddleheads’ and love playing griddlesodes for our children’s friends! — Linda
Your show is quite eclectic and I never know what to expect. It didn’t seem too exciting maybe even kinda weird, but it infectiously grew on me. If you described the show, I would be hesitant to listen. But actually listening my reaction is quite the contrary. I eagerly look forward to each anecdote and oddity. — Ken
Your show is witty, fresh, and very touching; and it is broadcast through a medium that is very difficult to portray human emotion and connection, and you have successfully done so…I just wanted to let you know how you have been able to bring something into our lives that is so different than the myriad of other programs out there, and have been able to do so all the while retaining your integrity and family oriented roots. Thanks for a great show. — Mathew (Utah)
There are very few podcasts that I would put into the ‘must listen to as soon as they arrive’ category, but griddlecakes is definitely one of them. The past couple of stories have had me thinking back to my own childhood, remembering both old friends, and lost loves. Seeing how my part of the world (east coast of Canada) is very big on tradition, and storytelling is a major part of that, it’s been very refreshing to find good clean stories being told, without the need to inject profanity just to emphasize a point. —Scott
I just wanted to shoot you a quick email letting you know how much I enjoy listening to your podcasts. They are always very entertaining and I feel that you are more than just a broadcaster. With the way you tell us about your personal stuff (without getting into too much detail), I feel that you are almost a friend to us. My girlfriend (soon to be my fiance, but she doesn?t know yet) and I enjoy listening to you. So far, our two favorite podcasts are episodes #22 and #11. — Alan
What I like about yours (Griddlecakes Radio) is that it’s serious — which is not the same as lacking in humor. But your humor has a point. I just finished listening to your podcast about business babble and wanted to stand up and shout, ‘Preach it, brother!’ But since I’m sitting in an office where other people are trying to concentrate, I decided against it. — Jan
…It was uplifting to here your story (Mr. and Mrs. Reich) and be reminded of the larger picture in life. Especially today with everything that is going on in the world. You were able to make a point in a succinct manner and without resorting to yelling or name-calling. In today’s world this is very refreshing…I tell anyone who will listen that the best overall podcast I know of is Griddlecakes Radio. — Ed
As a listener, I invited you into my home. In this era of political expediency, situational ethics and the lowest common denominator, I never expected to hear anything like your show. I was very pleasantly surprised the quality and the quantity was there, without the cliches, without the cheap shots and without the smugness. You’ve truly entertained me, Ron. You’ve done it with style, cleverness and talent….honest humor, genuine funny and some lessons learned.– Harley
…I discovered your show a few months later, after everyone kept talking about it (I think Adam Curry was where I first heard you mentioned, probably around iDog time). The first one of yours I listened to was one of your American History recreations, which, to be honest, didn’t do much for me as American history is not an Australian’s long suite. But, the way you tell a story is amazing, so I kept listening, and now I’m a Griddlecakes convert. You have to be the best story teller I’ve ever heard. — Russell (Australia)
Thanks again for sharing your funny life experience as well as these times in our life that aren’t so funny. All of us have had experiences like this and it takes great courage to share your personal feelings and insights into it. You’re by far the most open and personal podcaster I know. Keep up the great work. — Ed (Salem, PR)
Thanks for doing what you do. Griddlecakes Radio is always #1 on my playlist when I see a new episode arrive. — John (La Quinta, CA)
It’s also nice to be able to listen to a podcast that I do not have to worry about obscenities every other second. Thanks so much for the hard work I really enjoy the griddlesodes. — Tom
I typically listen to Griddlecakes in the evening while I’m working (if I don’t have to think too hard) or surfing the Web. When the Christmas episode arrived in iTunes, I knew immediately what to do. I waited until Christmas Eve just before bedtime and I told my 5-year-old daughter that I wanted to ‘show’ her something. Then I ran the episode and you read ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas’ to her. It was perfect. — Dave
I’ve been podcasting for almost a year now, and after giving up on inspiring my kids to try podcasting or making their own movie-skits, they listened to Ron and Bell’s collaboration, and BAM! Daniel (10) is now a podcaster in his own right and a few days later I hear of Simon’s (9) idea to do a video podcast. — Kevin (UK)
I have to tell you that your story about your grandfather was a very touching story that I am going to share with my 14 year old. — John (Seal Beach, CA)
Love the show, it’s great for my drive to work on that dreary morning…gets me in the mood to get up and going. Thank you so much for providing such a fun (yet informative) show. — Barbara (Chapel Hill, NC)
I’ve become a big fan of Griddlecakes Radio, since I began listening with episode 21. I think you are an heir to the Jean Shepherd storytelling legacy. — John
It is so very hard to find someone of your caliber in a podcast. I was ready to give up finding anything that I was willing to spend time with…I was looking for something funny and informative that shouldn’t have to be bleeped every few seconds. I found it at Griddlecakes. Thanks. — Debbie (Columbus, Kansas)