In this Griddlesode, Ron tells the story that was inspired by two Griddlecakes Radio listeners.
Audio PlayerOn this Griddlesode, we featured the following recording artists in order of apearance:
- “Winter Wind” by: Jon Schmidt
- “She’s Waiting” by: Ezra Thomas
- “Cruisin’ Texas Avenue” by:
Mean Gene Kelton and the Die Hards - “I Do” by: Rob Costlow
- “I Do” by: Jon Schmidt
Please support these recording artists by purchasing their music. They make Griddlecakes Radio possible.
Also, thanks to My Baby Monsters Podcast for their ID, and thanks to Dan Johnson from the Journey Inside My Mind and Homeschooler Podcast.
Due to the demise of The Podsafe Music Network/Mevio, we’ve removed all of the broken links and have attempted to replace them with direct links to the artist’s properties. If you are the artist and would like us to update these links, please contact us at griddlecakes*at*
I loved the episode. I would say sure, do more.
On the comment spam, I use WordPress and the Akismet Spam plug-in which catches most comment spam.
Thanks for using our artist Mean Gene Kelton and the DieHards
song “Cruisin’ Texas Avenue” on your recent PodCast. As you
know every town has a Texas Ave and the kids cruise it. Hope it brought back memories to your listeners. Also thanks for
supporting Indie Music.
Thanks Again
Buddy Brewer
National Promotion Director, Jambone Records
P.O. Box 1454 • Baytown Texas 77522
832.495-4076 •
Great story… We listened to it in the car yesterday, and it was quite touching!
Ron, that was a great story!! Thank you for sharing.