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Griddlesode S19-002: Slow Wheels of Justice

This story picks up where Griddlesode S17-003: Primary Care left off. It covers the two and a half years of court proceedings for the man accused of killing Dr. John Cheng.       Music Licensed through The Music Used in this Griddlsode: Who...

Griddlesode S18-002: Did Robert Get the Job?

Last month, while rummaging through a box of old postcards, I came across three letters from 1908. All were written by an A.O. Potter who was offering Robert Werth a job at the Bausch and Lomb Optical Company. I had many questions. Why three letters? Why were two of...

Griddlesode #S2-014: Bluenose

In this Griddlesode, Ron continues the story that he started last Griddlesode.  He calls part two: Bluenose. Thanks to Harry Wolf for sending me today’s ID.  Make sure to check out his podcast: The Harry Wolf Show. On this Griddlesode, we featured the following...

Griddlesode #S2-013: The Fisherman’s Cup

In this Griddlesode, Ron tells a special historical story called: “The Fisherman’s Cup” On this Griddlesode, we featured the following recording artists in order of appearance: “Smooth Sailing” by: Mark Heimonen “Drifting” by: Karmyn Tyler...