Have you ever had an experience where you did the right thing, but were punished for it? Where for some reason, you became the bad guy in the situation? Well, if you wanna hear how Ron became the villain of a story where he should have been the hero, sit back and listen to this Remix of Griddlesode 13: Sometimes Life isn’t Fair.
Music Licensed through Audiio.com:
Photo Credit:
- Hine, Lewis Wickes, photographer. Simon Mellitto i.e., Melaten, 314 American St., age 10, newsboy, income 25 to 75 cents per day. Father a locksmith, making about $12 per week. Has a brother who sells also. Edward F. Brown, Investigator.Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania / Photo by Lewis W. Hine. Pennsylvania United States Philadelphia, 1910. June. Photograph. https://www.loc.gov/item/2018675949/.