It took less than 19 hours, but we have a winner to the “Linguine Code” anagram contest. Congrats to listener David for providing us with the answer. In order to not spoil the fun for people who are still solving the puzzle, please hit either the “Comments” link to show the answer.
“Madonna’s Sworn Alibi” = “Dan Brown is Mona Lisa”
Also, honorable mention to Jon from Seal Beach who came up with “Dan Brown, I am no Silas” … which if you read the book is very good!
Thanks everyone for participating!
Hey Ron, “The Linguine Code” was Wonderful!
The script was great, the voices were hilarious and with a cliffhanger to boot!
Very nicely done,
– Bruce
– –
Bruce Murray
Host of the Zedcast
Thanks, Bruce!
Is this stuff fun, or what?
I just solved it myself and came over to find the answer. That was fun!
I thought I had solved it too, but then I figured that “Dan Brown is on Salami” probably doesn’t mean anything
– B
I think “Dan Brown is on Salami” is also worth honorable mention! Hmmm…maybe there’s a sequel in here?
The Salami Code! I think it’s going a big hit!
LOL! You kill me, Bruce!
Great Show. I just discovered you via the Pickle War. Subscribed and enjoying the last few episodes. Great job!
Thanks, John. I think you’re the first Pickle War subscriber. Err…now that’s something I’ve never said before!